Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Fun

Ready for some shocking news? We've spent more time at the pool. While Mom was here, Mason got a new pool toy. It's like a skateboard that you ride under the water.

First, you throw it into the pool.

Then, you run toward the pool (like when doing a cannonball) and aim for said toy.

The skateboard-thing glides across the water. And you can also use it as a float or kickboard.
The city of Austin as seen from the 360 Loop scenic view spot. Mason in front of the city. It was very bright. Just found this -- Mason and Ryan when we dropped them off at camp.
Mason, Ryan, and Dylan at camp before we left.
Dylan came up from Houston this week and the boys played at the pool.
Mason, Dylan, and Ryan at our pool. Mason got a new float, too. His red one was too small.
Shane likes using the skateboard-thing, too.

On Tuesday, Mason and I ran to the mall to buy some stuff for our trip to Ohio. Mark was working late. So, Mason and I went to Pei Wei together.

Mason at Pei Wei.Then, the Monaghans came over and hung out with us on our deck.

This week, Lola found a little Sheltie puppy covered in fleas. She gave it a bath and put some flea stuff on it. It's been living there with Jackson, their yellow lab while she is trying to find it's owner. She's put up signs in our neighborhood as well as surrounding ones. If no one claims it, we may get him. We've been calling him Gibson (after the guitar). No pictures of Gibson until he's ours. Lola said she will keep him until we get home since Mark has to travel while we're in Ohio.
Finally... on Wednesday, Mason went to Ryan A.'s home and played. He came home, we had dinner, and went to the pool. Ryan G. (from camp) was there. Well, Ryan G. ended up spending the night. The next morning (Thursday), we had all sorts of contractors coming in because of our year inspection. Well, I was getting something out from our garage and was coming back in the house, going over the threshold, when I fell backwards. I smacked my head pretty hard on the slate tile. The boys, meanwhile, were in Mason's room. Anyway, I had Mason call Lola and she came running down. She went next door and got Eric and they helped me back in my chair. Mark was in San Antonio and he came right home (but it's a 2 hour drive from where he was). Meanwhile, Ryan A's mom called and took both boys to our pool along with her kids. And Ray, our construction superintendent came over while all the work was going on and said if anything ever happens to call him.
This makes the second fall in one month and four days (but who's counting?). This one was completely MY fault because I was being careless. I CAN go over a threshold backwards, but every time I do, I'm playing chance if I fall. I should have turned around and went into the house forward. My back feels fine and my neck is slightly stiff, but my head was throbbing for two days straight. I missed going to see Glenn Beck that night (Mark took Jesse instead) and I cringed through loud parts of Batman. I'm doing fine now. A little afraid of how my head will hold up on the plane ride on Tuesday. So, please just keep Mason and I in your thoughts. Airtravel in a wheelchair isn't the easiest to begin with, but I always have Mark with me. Not this time. And on top of that, I have a huge knot on the back of my head. Keep us in your thoughts. Thanks!

Mom's Visit

Sorry blog readers. I've taken a lot of pictures but have been too busy to post them.

Grandma and Mason swimming.
Mason and Grandma at Threadgills on Lamar after hockey.
Grandma and Mason at the County Line on the lake. Mason wanted to show her the baby turtles.
Racing freestyle.
After their race.
Now, Mason and I are flying to Ohio in two days. It was much easier to say goodbye to Mom, knowing I would see her in a few weeks. We'll take lots of pictures in Ohio and add them.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Home from Camp...

Sorry I haven't updated... it's been a long, busy week with my Mom visiting. I'll recap that later. For now, let's finish Mason's camp experience.

So, Thursday Jill notified us that there was a virus spreading like wild-fire through camp. Great. The camp contacted the parents of sick campers and then sent out a mass email to all of the parents, notifying them. I knew Mason was fine. From a parent's opinion, I think the camp handled this amazingly well. We were then called Friday, making sure we received the email and informing us more about it. On Saturday, when we picked Mason up at camp, we got more information from the director.

Mason did not get sick. He is completely healthy, albeit with some new bug bites, bruises, and a scrape on his hand... but such is life at camp.

He had a BLAST! He enjoyed tubing and the banana boats. He made my Mom a lovely candle in arts and crafts (I wish I had taken a picture... it looked like dookie. He said it looked like snot. Lovely.) and some leather animals. He bought more hackey sacks (because the 5 he bought last year weren't enough... these were much more colorful!). He lost a BRAND NEW pair of board shorts, a pillowcase, and a few pairs of underwear.

And he brought someone else's underwear home.

::banging head on wall::

Best of all, he got Honor Camper for the second year in a row. It's given to one camper in each cabin for great behavior and attitude. We were so proud of him!

Anyway... the remaining pictures from the camp website! Enjoy!!

Mason is in the gray shirt on the left. Playing beach volleyball.

Playing beach volleyball.

Boys camp.

Boys camp.At the Honor Camper Ceremony. Mason's in the blue shirt on the right.
Honor camper.

Boys camp before the dance.
Mason geeking out at the dance.

Tomorrow, we're going to Rob and Weez's for a party. I'll take a ton of pictures and hopefully update this with pictures from Mom's visit and our Fourth early next week.

Until then --- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!!! :)