Monday, August 25, 2008


Mark has chastised me because I haven't blogged about our new puppy, Gibson.

Lola found Gibson in the middle of July. He was covered with fleas and was underweight. He was a puppy that we thought was a Sheltie. She posted flyers in our community as well as neighboring ones, but no one claimed him. Well, we thought he was adorable and wished we could have him, but Mason and I were leaving for Ohio and Mark to El Paso ten days from then. Lola said she would keep him (even after Mark got home from El Paso).

So, now he's ours. And he isn't a Sheltie. He's a Shephard/Collie mix. And he is the best dog. He has only had 3 accidents since we got home August 2 (he's under three months old) and he's very good with Mason. The Monaghans started calling him Gibson, after the guitar (their dog, Jackson, is named after one, too, since Jesse plays), so we kept it.

So, without further ado, please meet our newest addition: Gibson Monaghan Miller!

Mason and Gibson.

Lola and Gibson saying goodbye to us before we left for Ohio.
The Left Bank Cafe (Lolas dining room) hosted a surprise puppy shower for Gibbers.
At his puppy shower that the Monaghans threw for us.
Mason and Gibson.

Gibson waiting outside Mason's bedroom door while Mason slept.

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