Saturday, Mason did really well in hockey, according to Mark. Since I hadn't slept the previous night at all, I stayed home. When they got home, we went shopping (I FOUND window treatments -- finally!), got a book at Barnes and Noble and went "out" for Mother's Day to avoid crowded restaurants on Sunday. Afterwards, Katie and Eric (our next-door neighbors!) invited us over to play with their new Wii.

Sunday, the boys let me sleep in. Mark did yard work and Mason practiced stick handling on his blades. Mark made a late lunch/early dinner of filet, crab legs, asparagus, twice baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and buttermilk pie. Oh goodness! While he cooked, I took Mason to the pool and it was completely empty!!!

We came home and ate. Yowza. Then, Eric and Katie came over (in which Eric pulled out our front tree with his bare hands!!) before we ran to Lowes. I think we're going to redo our landscaping soon. We shall see. When we came home, we visited with the Monaghans and we went back to the Dunagan's house for pie and more Wii fun. Eric kicked my bootie in Wii Tennis.
I had a great Mother's Day with the boys and got wonderful presents. While I did miss my Mom (last year, we spent it with her at Jill's), I know we get to see her very soon! All in all, a pretty busy weekend with good times and good friends.
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