Mason and the Monaghan kids.
Mason and Shane at the pool.
Um... I haven't been wearing my sunscreen as often as I should.
We had a big party on Memorial Day with the Clarks, Dunagans, and Monaghans. And for once, I didn't take 49060 pictures. So, unless you want to see a picture of Jesse eating and Eric drinking a beer, I have nothing for you. We have gone over to the Dunagans for dinner and had the Monaghan clan down once, too. See? Socializing!
Mark and Mason as we waited for reservations.
Mason and Shane, his little buddy.

And we've also spent a LOT of time at the hockey rinks. Yes, plural. Now, Mason is in a league and taking more lessons and adding power skating to his routine. This summer, our hockey schedule is:
Monday nights -- League
Tuesday nights -- Power skating
Thursday nights -- Lessons
And stick-and-puck and drop-in hockey whenever we want to. The Millers are *REALLY* supporting Austin hockey this summer. Especially now since Mark has made friends with the coach and other dads who play -- something tells me Mason won't be the only Miller on the ice. Heck -- Austin even has a sled hockey team... so maybe all THREE of us will play in the future.
But we won't cheer for the Redwings. Boo!
Anyway, here are some pictures from Mason's last game on Saturday (yay -- we have weekends FREE again!).

Mason's last day of school is Thursday. He only goes until 11:00. At noon, he's invited to a birthday/end of the year party. Tomorrow is the class party. Ice cream sundaes (way early in the morning) followed be the award ceremony for third grade in the afternoon. This year seemed to fly on by. I can't believe he's finished with third grade.
I'll try and take pictures of the next few days and post them ASAP. I've been slacking, sorry... but we've spent so much time at the pool, I don't want to be the creepy lady that takes pictures at the pool.
Speaking of which, we had an HOA meeting today. Guess who is now on the Pool and Social committees? Yup. And Mark is on the Communication committee. We love our neighborhood and neighbors. It's going to be a great summer!!!
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